14/01/2024 17:59
Brace (and Quote) completion is the devil incarnate. It comes with every IDE without fail. But its bad. Stop. Stop completing my brackets. If I want them closed I will close them. You don’t know me. My goals are beyond your understanding. Your pitiful attempts are disguisting.
fuck brace completion.
16/10/2023 00:06
ive had this insatiable urge to start crying but it feels like i physically cant
- bea, checkpoint 2.
yeah… it does feel like that sometimes.
14/10/2023 09:45
You must be tired from your travels. Here, take a seat friend. Rest for a bit.
24/09/2023 21:19
This is a real place. St Mont Michel.

20/09/2023 13:52
Electricity is the foundation of creation.